Pre-announcement: Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance

JPIAMR is pleased to pre-announce a joint transnational research call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostic and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods.  The call will support research projects that also have the potential for impact in areas where the risk and burden of AMR is greatest, such as in LMIC settings in Asia and Africa. Projects are encouraged to use a One Health approach where relevant.

The projected call budget is approx. 20 million Euro.

To read more about the call, please click here.

Pre-announcement of 6th Call – New Targets, Compounds and Tools

We are pleased to pre-announce the 6th Joint Call for transnational research projects “New Targets, Compounds and Tools”. To date fifteen countries are participating with a total budget of approximately 13 million Euros. The launch of the 6th Call will be in January, 2018.

This year the WHO published the Global priority pathogen list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to guide research, discovery, and development of new antibiotics (PPL). The 6th joint call for proposals addresses this list, with the aim to discover new targets, compounds, or new tools with the potential to help controlling infections by drug-resistant bacteria identified by the WHO as priority pathogens (including multi- and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Projects considered for funding will involve fundamental and/or translational One Health research, with the exception of clinical trials.

Participating countries and eligibility

Consortia of eligible scientists from Belgium (FWO), Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain (MINECO/ ISCIII), Sweden and Switzerland may apply for funding in this call.* Consortia must include a minimum of three eligible partners from at least three different countries participating in the call, and a maximum of 6 project partners (or 7 if a partner from Czech Republic, Latvia or Poland is included).

* List is provisional – additional countries may join. Final eligibility conditions will be published when call opens.

Read more about the 6th Call on the page about the call.

Download: PRESS RELEASE JPIAMR 6th Joint Call


For inquiries about the pre-announcement of the 6th Joint Call, please contact:

Martine Batoux, ANR.


For general media inquiries, please contact:

Anders Bjers, Communications Officer JPIAMR.

Telephone: +46 8 546 44 068


Press release: The fifth JPIAMR Joint Call Results

We are pleased to announce the results of the JPIAMR 2017 call for transnational research projects “Comparison of prevention, control and intervention strategies for AMR infections through multidisciplinary studies, including One Health approaches”. Within this funding opportunity over EUR 11.5 million have been awarded to 10 projects. Consortia include 47 funded research groups from 11 countries (Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland), and an additional 6 international partners (Czech Republic, Israel, Romania and the USA).

Projects funded in this call have covered topics including One Health interventions for infection control in humans and livestock, transmission to the food chain, and antimicrobial stewardship.

The call was launched in January 2017 by 16 research funding organisations from 15 countries, and attracted 51 consortia applying for nearly EUR 57 million in total, resulting in a success rate of 19.6%.

The final funding decision will depend on national regulations and inspection of the formal proposals by the national funding organisations. Each national funding agency will take a formal decision on the projects to be supported.

Please, download files to view each project awarded with funding.

Download: Results of 5th Call – Table Funded Projects FINAL

Download: Project Summaries for 5th JPIAMR Call



For inquiries regarding the 5th Joint Call, please contact:

Malwina Gębalska

JPIAMR 2017 Call Secretariat

National Science Centre

Telephone: +48 519 404 997

Jerzy Frączek

JPIAMR 2017 Call Secretariat

National Science Centre

Telephone: +48 12 341 9165

For general media inquiries, please contact:

Anders Bjers, Communications Officer JPIAMR.

Telephone: +46 8 546 44 068
