The current governance and management structure of JPIAMR is composed of the following bodies according to the JPIAMR Terms of Reference:
- Management Board
- Steering Committee
- Scientific Advisory Board
- Secretariat
- Core Call Steering Group
- Strategic Working Groups
Management Board
The JPIAMR Management Board (MB) is the main decision making body of JPIAMR. Each of the 29 member countries can have two representatives on the MB with a governmental mandate. The European Commission is a non-voting member of the JPIAMR MB. The MB meets formally twice per year.
JPIAMR Management Board members
Steering Committee
The JPIAMR Steering Committee (SC) provides steering direction of the JPIAMR and strategic input to undertake the JPIAMR mission. The SC meets regularly to discuss strategic issues, develop proposals for the MB and follows the implementation of activities by the JPIAMR Secretariat.
JPIAMR Steering Committee members
Scientific Advisory Board
The Management Board appoints members of the JPIAMR scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which consists of top international researchers in the AMR field. The SAB provides advice to the MB regarding scientific priorities with particular focus on workshops, the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute and JPIAMR calls for proposals. The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) administers the SAB.
Scientific Advisory Board members
The JPIAMR Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day management of JPIAMR. It ensures the necessary logistical coordination and communication among all JPIAMR activities and boards as well as manages all administrative and financial matters. The secretariat provides leadership in engaging with key stakeholders and international players, and prepares the necessary budgetary arrangements to run the management structure. The Swedish Research Council hosts the Secretariat.
JPIAMR Secretariat staff and contact information
Core Call Steering Group (CCSG )
The CCSG mandate is to support and provide guidance to call documents and procedures to the JPIAMR Joint Call Secretariat for individual calls. The Core Call Steering Group is chaired by Sweden and comprised of members from all the JPIAMR Joint Call Secretariats (France, Germany, Italy, Poland).