DESIGN One Health AntiMicrobial Resistance (DESIGN OH AMR) is a Coordination and Support Action with the aim to prepare the European Partnership on One Health AMR (EUP OH AMR), which is expected to start in 2025.
DESIGN OH AMR will lead the preparatory work by linking key actors of the siloed AMR research and innovation landscape. The DESIGN OH AMR action will operate within the framework of the European One Health Action Plan against AMR to support an interdisciplinary approach to overcome fragmentation and bring diverse stakeholders together in the co-funded EUP OH AMR. The action will thus focus on activities that contribute to destination 3 of the European Commission Health Programme in Horizon Europe, “Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden”.
This Coordination and Support Action (CSA) will develop the strategic basis for the EUP OH AMR through engaging with, and building on, networks of research funders, policy makers, relevant agencies, European partnerships under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, and authorities to strengthen coordination and collaboration among different fields of research and innovation with relevance to AMR.
DESIGN OH AMR will lay the foundation of the candidate OH AMR partnership.
Read more about the candidate OH AMR Partnership.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, SRIA
The DESIGN OH AMR has developed the first draft of the European Partnership OH AMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) through a number of consultations. The SRIA was published on 22 May 2023.
An important element of the SRIA are the Research and Innovation (R&I) Objectives. To get a full understanding of the R&I objectives, please consult the long version where each R&I objective is described in detail.
The Research and Innovation Objectives are structured around five thematic areas and includes several cross-cutting themes.

To read the reports from the consultations, please visit the documents libary page.
Name: DESIGN One Health AntiMicrobial Resistance (DESIGN OH AMR)
Call: HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-05 call: “A roadmap towards the creation of the European partnership on One Health antimicrobial resistance (OH AMR).”
Coordinator: Swedish Research Council (SRC), Sweden
Partners: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France; Zorgonderzoek Nederland ZON (ZonMw), the Netherlands; Ministry of Health Israel (CSO-MOH), Israel; Deutsches Zentrum für LUFT und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR), Germany; Ministero della Salute (IT-MOH), Italy; Lietuvos Mokslo Taryba (LMT), Lithuania; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain; International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS), Fondazione Penta (PENTA), European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
Associated Partners: Knowledge Transfer Limited (KTN), United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Duration: May 2022 – May 2024
Work Packages
WP1. Coordination and OH AMR partnership proposal and governance development
Leading agency: Swedish Research Council (SRC), Sweden
The objective of WP1 is to ensure efficient and professional coordination and management of DESIGN OH AMR in order to continuously orientate all activities towards the strategic objectives and to ensure their fulfilment within the time plan and budget. The coordination will include day-to-day management of DESIGN OH AMR, support to the different WPs, coordination of the JPIAMR boards, EU Members States and the European Commission, evaluation and monitoring of the DESIGN OH AMR project, management of the grant agreement, and the financial, legal and administrative management of the CSA, including reporting to EC. WP1 will also involve the preparation of the OH AMR partnership proposal and the monitoring framework and intervention logic, as well as the development of the OH AMR partnership structure and governance.
WP2. SRIA development and research prioritisation
Leading agency: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France
The objective of WP2 is to prepare the OH AMR SRIA and the strategic planning documents for the OH AMR partnership, including the drafts of the OH AMR partnership Roadmap and the OH AMR Work Programme 2025.
WP3. Global AMR research collaboration
Leading agency: Swedish Research Council (SRC), Sweden
The objective of WP3 is to identify multiple interconnections, establish dialogue and promote the alignment and collaboration with relevant AMR stakeholders, related candidate European Partnerships within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme and international AMR initiatives. Aligning and collaborating with other relevant organisations in the field of AMR will foster mutual awareness and maximise the impact of the activities that will be conducted within the future partnership framework, break-down existing silos between One Health sectors and strengthen transdisciplinary and transnational collaboration.
WP4. Communication and engagement
Leading agency: Swedish Research Council (SRC)
The objective of this work package is to communicate and disseminate information from the DESIGN OH AMR project to support the development of the strategic documents for the OH AMR partnership and promote engagement of the scientific community, AMR organisations and initiatives, other European partnerships and stakeholders. A second objective focuses on providing future partners in the OH AMR partnership with the information they need to prepare for their future engagement in the partnership and in the partnership activities and ensuring the translation of outcomes to impact.