JPIAMR team submitting the EUP OHAMR proposal.

Proposal for European partnership on OHAMR submitted!

Last week, we finally submitted the proposal for the Horizon Europe partnership on One Health AntiMicrobial Resistance (EUP OHAMR) to the European Commission (EC).

The EUP OHAMR will consist of 51 organisations from 28 countries that together with the EC will commit over 340 MEUR over 10 years to boost One Health AMR R&I in all its dimensions: coordinating joint transnational calls, actions to strengthen the capacity of the AMR research community, provide frameworks for alignment of policy and stakeholder engagement, and tools to valorise the new knowledge for the benefit of citizens and society as a whole.

Thank you to all partners for your cooporation and support to develop the proposal!

Cover and a couple of pages from the draft OHAMR SRIA.

Online Consultation: The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European partnership OHAMR

The European partnership on One Health AMR (OHAMR) is one of the key European partnerships that has been identified by the European commission within the framework of the Horizon Europe programme to support research and innovation to respond to the challenges of AMR. The OHAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) presents the vision, missions, objectives, scientific focus, and implementation plan of the OHAMR, and serves as the strategic foundation of the partnership to guide its future actions:

The OHAMR SRIA is almost finalised, and we now invite researchers, stakeholders, scientists, policymakers, clinicians, patient groups, AMR-related organisations, and others to provide their final feedback by answering a short survey:

A word template of the survey is also available to facilitate the consultation process. However, only the answers collected through the on-line survey tool will be analysed.

The consultation is open until May 30th, 17h CEST.

For questions regarding the consultation, please contact

For more information about the OHAMR Partnership, visit

Yellow wall and flowers


The 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, ECCMID, will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 15-18 April 2023.

JPIAMR is co-organising the session Developing your funding application: from drug discovery to drug development on 16 April at 12:15-13:15 CEST.


12:15 – Marc Lemonnier (Labege, France)

12:20 – JPIAMR funding calls and funding for academic research, Laura Marin (JPIAMR)

12:30 – Translating your research, Philip Packer (Innovate UK)

12:40 – Funding your innovation, Ursula Theuretzbacher (Center for Anti-Infective Agents, Austria)

12:50 – Q&A

13:15 – Wrap-up & End of session

Call picture for JPIAMR Diagnostics and Surveillance call 2023

Research call on AMR Diagnostics and surveillance now open

The call Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance is now open. 

This call aims to fund research projects developing novel or improving existing strategies, tools, technologies and methods for diagnosis and/or One Health AMR surveillance. It involves 22 funding organisations from 18 countries and has a total estimated call budget of 18,8 M€.

Partners working in eligible Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in in sub-Saharan Africa can be funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

The call will follow a two-step evaluation procedure and the deadline for pre-proposals is 7 March 2022. The full call text and the link to the online submission platform can be found on the call page: 

Call page “AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023”

Webinar for applicants

A live webinar for applicants will be organised on the 24th of January 2023. This webinar will present the call and the partner search tool. Representatives from funders participating in the call will answer questions live.

Registration page Webinar for applicants

Online Consultation: Research and Innovation Objectives for the OH AMR Partnership

The One Health Antimicrobial Resistance partnership (OH AMR) has been identified by the European Commission as one of the European Partnerships of Horizon Europe. Currently, the Research and Innovation Objectives of OH AMR are under preparation, and we now invite researchers, stakeholders, scientists, policymakers, clinicians, patient groups, AMR-related organisations, and others to provide feedback on the elements included in the Research and Innovations Objectives.

Please activate the online survey for this purpose here: Survey: OH AMR Research and Innovation Objectives

The consultation is open until 16 January 2023.

The online consultation outcome will guide the development of the final Research and Innovations Objectives, which will be included in the OH AMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

The Research and Innovation Objectives have been developed through a number of consultations during 2022. The latest version of the document can be found here: Research and Innovation Objectives of the OH AMR Partnership (pdf, 1 MB)

For questions regarding the consultation, please contact

About the OH AMR Partnership

In the research framework of Horizon Europe and collaboration with the member states, the European Commission has identified 49 new European Partnerships, one of which is the “One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Partnership.” 

The future One Health AMR (OH AMR) Partnership will be a joint research program co-funded by the European Commission and EU member states. The OH AMR Partnership aims to coordinate and align AMR activities and funding between countries and the European level. With a mix of EU and national public R&I funding, the OH AMR partnership will develop joint calls and activities to address the objectives of the European One Health Action Plan against AMR and the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR to reduce the burden of AMR.

For more information about the OH AMR Partnership, visit

Shadows of people on a colourful background.

Six new networks in the area of diagnostics and surveillance

Six networks have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 15th transnational call: Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks. The networks include 228 partners from 40 countries and the total funding amount is 300 000 € plus up to 100 000 € fort start-up and final joint workshops.

The networks assemble leading experts and stakeholders with an intent to facilitate the development, optimisation and use of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and systems.

For the first time, a network focussed on antifungal resistance has been included.

Learn more about the networks

Northern lights

New projects in the area of therapeutics

Thirteen projects involving 72 partners from 15 different countries have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 14th transnational call: Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design. The call was within the framework of the ERA‐NET JPIAMRACTION and the total funding amount is 15,4 M€.

The projects aim to improve the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections (including co-infection) and/or the prevention of the emergence/spread of resistance in humans, animals or plants through the improvement of the efficacy, specificity, delivery, combinations and/or repurposing of drugs and plant protection agents.

Learn more about the projects

Call picture for JPIAMR Diagnostics and Surveillance call 2023

Pre-announcement: Research call on AMR diagnostics and surveillance

We are pleased to pre‐announce the transnational call Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance.

This call aims to fund research projects developing novel or improving existing strategies, tools, technologies and methods for diagnosis and/or One Health AMR surveillance. It involves 21 funding organisations from 18 countries and has a total estimated call budget of 18,8 M€.

N.B New opening date! The call opens on 16 January 2023.

Read more on the call page

Reports from DESIGN OH AMR consultations available

In 2022, the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) DESIGN OH AMR has organised a series of stakeholder and expert consultations to collect input to the update of the research and innovation objectives within the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). This serves in preparation for the Horizon Europe candidate One Health AMR Partnership.

The reports from the consultations are now available for download.

Illustration of the Globe with people and animals

Survey on funding instruments by the future OH AMR Partnership programme

The JPIAMR has since its launch in 2011 coordinated 13 transnational joint calls till date supporting 99 projects and 38 networks with over 1300 researchers by investing 125 million Euros. In the framework of the CSA DESIGN, JPIAMR is preparing for the future One Health Antimicrobial Resistance (OH AMR) partnership programme including its portfolio for funding instruments. The OH AMR partnership programme will be a research and innovation (R&I) funding programme designed and launched jointly by the European Commission and member states. Using a combination of EU and national public R&I funding, this new programme will contribute to the European One Health Action Plan against AMR and the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR, both aiming to reduce the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The aim of this survey is to gather feedback from the AMR research community to understand its views regarding gaps in the AMR funding landscape, and, the requirements for potential funding mechanisms with impact. These funding instruments could be used by JPIAMR member states and the European Commission in the future co-funded programme OH AMR partnership to support R&I and capacity building activities.

Link to survey:

The survey will close on the 26th September 2022 at 12.00 CEST