News archive

Pink fish and blue pigeon

Winners in the JPIAMR Young Scientist best LinkedIn Post Contest

Dec 20, 2023

Congratulations to the three winners of the JPIAMR Young Researchers Best LinkedIn Post Contest!

Call picture AMR interventions call 2024.

Pre-announcement: Research call on AMR interventions

Nov 20, 2023

We are pleased to pre‐announce the transnational call Interventions moving forward to promote action to counteract the emergence and spread of bacterial and fungal resistance and to improve treatments. The primary aim of the call is to take action against the growing global threat of increased spread of antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) resistance by funding […]

New projects in the area of diagnostics and surveillance

Nov 20, 2023

Seventeen projects involving 93 partners from 23 different countries have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 16th transnational call: “Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance”

SRIA of the European Partnership on One Health AMR

May 25, 2023

The preparation for the future European Partnership on One Health AMR (OH AMR) is progressing and the first draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) has now been published.

EU flag

EU Council recommendation on stepping up actions to combat AMR 

Apr 27, 2023

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Recommendation on stepping up EU actions to combat antimicrobial resistance in a One Health approach, in which the future European partnership on One Health AMR (OH AMR) is highlighted.

Yellow wall and flowers


Mar 9, 2023

JPIAMR is co-organising the session “Developing your funding application: from drug discovery to drug development” at the ECCMID 2023 conference.

Sailboats in a race

JPIAMR Activity Report 2022

Feb 3, 2023

The JPIAMR activity report now published summarises the achievements of JPIAMR and the major events conducted in the year 2022.

Call picture for JPIAMR Diagnostics and Surveillance call 2023

Research call on AMR Diagnostics and surveillance now open

Jan 16, 2023

The call “Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance” is now open. 

This call aims to fund research projects developing novel or improving existing strategies, tools, technologies and methods for diagnosis and/or One Health AMR surveillance. It involves 22 funding organisations from 18 countries and has a total estimated call budget of 18,8 M€.

Online Consultation: Research and Innovation Objectives for the OH AMR Partnership

Dec 5, 2022

The candidate One Health Antimicrobial Resistance partnership (OH AMR) has been identified by the European Commission as one of the candidate European Partnerships of Horizon Europe. Currently, the Research and Innovation Objectives of OH AMR are under preparation, and we now invite researchers, stakeholders, scientists, policymakers, clinicians, patient groups, AMR-related organisations, and others to provide feedback on the elements included in the Research and Innovations Objectives.

Shadows of people on a colourful background.

Six new networks in the area of diagnostics and surveillance

Nov 18, 2022

Six networks have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 15th transnational call: Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks. The networks include 228 partners from 40 countries and for the first time, a network focussed on antifungal resistance has been included.