South Korea New Member of JPIAMR

JPIAMR Evolves as Global Collaborative Platform on Antimicrobial Resistance.

On February 26, 2018, South Korea was accepted as full member of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). Now, 27 countries are members of the global collaborative platform and engaged in the mission to harness antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

“AMR is a serious social issue in Korea. Hospitals, farms and fisheries are all under siege. While much investment is being made domestically, our scientists and policy makers also realize the need for global cooperation in fighting AMR. We at the National Research Foundation of Korea thus regard joining JPIAMR a momentous event. We look forward to sharing knowledge and experience of all participating nations and contributing to this must-win struggle”, says Jaesang Kim, National Research Foundation of South Korea.

”Antimicrobial Resistance is a global threat today that must be acted on with a one health approach and seamless global collaboration. We are delighted to expand the platform to include South Korea as a full member of JPIAMR”, says Carlos Segovia, Chair of the JPIAMR Management Board.

Several key organisations and reports point to JPIAMR as an initiative to support. JPIAMR continues to grow with countries that choose to come together as members; sharing resources, strategic research agendas, funding and more. An increasing number of countries want to be part of transnational research calls. South Koreas membership shows that JPIAMR is a trusted platform for countries that share the mission to harness AMR on a global scale.

JPIAMR coordinates research programmes, funding and supports collaborative action for filling knowledge gaps on AMR with a one health approach. Today, more than half of G20 nations are members of JPIAMR. More than 300 research groups have received funding from JPIAMR. Since its launch in 2011, JPIAMR has coordinated an overall budget of 65 million Euros. The JPIAMR Secretariat is hosted by the Swedish Research Council.

Please download press release here: Press Release_South Korea joins JPIAMR as full member 180226_FINAL

For media inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Anders Bjers

Communications Officer JPIAMR


Mobile: +46-73-550 37 88