In a speech on June 20, at the Second Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in The Netherlands, Vytenis Andriukaitis, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, reaffirmed his positive view of JPIAMR by saying: “Collaboration is an essential part of any successful research programme. So, I am particularly proud of the Joint Programming Initiative on antimicrobial resistance, which pools the national research efforts of 27 countries on 5 continents and covers the full One Health spectrum.”
Also, in his speech, Commissioner Andriukaitis urged Ministers present and their countries to join JPIAMR: ”This Initiative grows stronger with every new member, so we need more countries and more investment. The Virtual Research Institute under the Joint Programming Initiative on AMR (JPIAMR) will create a platform to increase coordination, improve visibility, and facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity development as well as the use of scientific evidence.
Ministers, join us in this work!”