Shadows of people on a colourful background.

Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks

JPIAMR is launching a transnational network call under the umbrella of the JPIAMR and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. The call Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks involves funding organisations from 11 countries to date. Networks can be funded with a maximum of 50,000 Euro each.

Call picture Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks 2022. Shadows of people on a colourful background.

This call is closed

The aim of this call is to assemble networks of leading experts and stakeholders with an intent to facilitate the development, optimisation and use of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and systems. Networks should work towards the conceptualisation of ideas in order to provide white papers, guidance documents and/or best practices/roadmaps and evidence frameworks to identify key questions to be addressed and/or potential solutions to overcome barriers to enhanced surveillance and advanced diagnostics to reduce the burden of AMR.

Networks should connect experts from research performing organisations and/or establish clusters with different relevant stakeholders and end users in the AMR community. Networks may build upon new or existing global collaborations/partnerships.

Eleven (11) JPIAMR-ACTION members are participating in this network call. Each network coordinator will be able to apply for a maximum of 50,000 Euro for 12 or 24 months period for support of its activities. The total budget of the call is approximately 1 M Euro.

Please note that JPIAMR network calls do not fund research projects.

Topic of the call

Networks should design and implement ways to support AMR research considering at least one of the two JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) priority topics Diagnostics and Surveillance.

Networks should also aim to address one or more of the following topics:

  1. Identify actions that will improve the diagnostics and surveillance of AMR (in humans and/or animals and/or agriculture and the environment). 
  2. Identify actions needed to support the development of new tools, technologies and systems for diagnosis and surveillance.  
  3. Identify novel or existing data platforms that can be developed or improved to aid international alignment and support the use of surveillance data and/or diagnostics to improve prescription of narrow-spectrum antimicrobials and support alignment with stewardship programmes. 
  4. Identify or assess user needs for tools, technologies, or systems for diagnostics and/or surveillance in appropriate One Health settings.  
  5. Identify the data collection needed to understand inequality in access to diagnostics and how socio-economic factors contribute to this inequality.  
  6. Extend or continue activities of previously funded JPIAMR networks within Surveillance.


Network should consist of a minimum of fifteen (15) partners (including coordinator) from at least ten (10) different countries. In addition, at least three (3) of the partners must come from three (3) different countries whose funding agencies are participating in the call. A network must include at least three (3) early career researchers.

Networks are encouraged to consider gender and geographical diversity among partners.

Information & application

Please contact the call secretariat if you have any questions about the call:

Webinar for applicants

A live webinar for applicants was held on the 25th of April 2022 presenting the call and the partner search tool. Representatives from funders participating in the call were available to answer questions.

The webinar was recorded and the videos are now available on the JPIAMR YouTube channel:

Questions and Answers:

Partner search tool

A match-making tool has been created for applicants to facilitate creation of networks. The tool can be used for:

  • Partner looking for the network: an individual searching for a network to join.
  • Network looking for partners: when somebody wants to build a network of experts for the implementation of a particular idea.

Partner search tool for the call Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks


12 April 2022 (11.00) – Call opens

25 April 2022 (13.00 CEST) – Webinar for applicants

14 June 2022 (14.00 CEST) – Proposal deadline

Previous JPIAMR network calls

Learn more on the previous JPIAMR network calls:


Estonian Research Council (ETAg)

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

Ministero della Salute (It-MoH)

Health Research Board (HRB)

Research Council of Lithuania (RCL)

Agentia Nationala Pentru Cercetare Si Dezvoltare (ANCD)

Zorgonderzoek Nederland Zon (ZonMw)

Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)

Swedish Research Council (SRC)

United Kingdom
Medical Research Council (UKRI/MRC)

Supported projects

Six networks have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 15th transnational call: “Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks”. The networks include 228 partners from 40 countries and the total funding amount was 300 000 € plus up to 100 000  € fort start-up and final joint workshops. Click on the titles in the list below to learn more on each network.

Northern lights

Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design

JPIAMR is launching an international call for projects under the umbrella of the JPIAMR and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. The call Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design involves 27 funding organisations from 18 countries. The total estimated call budget is close to 19 million Euro.

Call picture Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design: Northern lights over a fjord. Silhouette of mountains in the background.

This call is closed.

In line with the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, this call will focus on tackling the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance. Declining effectiveness of existing antimicrobials together with the low and insufficient number of promising new antimicrobials in the pipeline stresses the urgency to develop new protocols and innovative approaches for effective delivery and use of the already existing antimicrobials. This call aims to improve the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections (including co-infection) and/or the prevention of the emergence/spread of resistance in humans, animals or plants through the improvement of the efficacy, specificity, delivery, combinations and/or repurposing of drugs and plant protection agents.

Through this call, the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION intends to create and reinforce the collaboration between research partners coming from different countries and different fields of expertise to promote research on antimicrobial resistance.

Topic of the call

Proposals should focus on licenced antimicrobial agents (antibiotics/antifungals) or agents under pre-clinical and/or early clinical development, and should address at least one of the following topics:

  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing;
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines);
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials;
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials.

Proposals can focus on one or more of the three “One-Health” settings, namely:

  • Human Health, and/or
  • Animal Health (including wildlife, livestock, fishes, and companion animals), and/or
  • Plants (including trees and crops)

The following sub-topics are out of scope of the call:

  • Antiviral and antiparasitic agents
  • Discovery and/or screening of new compounds, new vaccines and/or new targets
  • Proposals solely aiming to develop new diagnostics or new companion diagnostics (companion diagnostics in evaluation of the antimicrobials can be examined but they should not be the main topic of the proposal.)

Participation of end-users, stakeholders and companies is encouraged.


Consortia should consists of a maximum of six (6) project partners (including non-funded partners). The maximum number of partners can be increased to seven (7) if the consortium includes a company, or a partner coming from low or middle income countries, Lithuania or Poland. The budget of non-funded partners shall not exceed 30% of the total transnational project budget requested. Furthermore, consortia should always consist of a majority of project partners eligible for funding. Funding is granted for a maximum of three (3) years in accordance with national regulations and applicable legal provisions.


The call Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design will follow a two-step evaluation procedure.

11 January 2022 (10.00 CET) – Call opens

8 March 2022 (14.00 CET) – Deadline pre-proposals

5 July 2022 – Deadline full proposals

Please contact the call secretariat if you have any questions about the call:

Information & application

  • Call text (pdf 1 MB) Updated 2022-01-28: Changes in Annex B (National Rules and Requirements) for the United Kingdom. All specific information on the call “Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design”.
  • Pre-proposal application form (Word file 0,1 MB). Updated 2022-02-10: Modifications of the table in section B3 and the letter of intent in Annex C. The application form must be attached to the application in the submission platform.
  • Submission platform. The pre-proposal must be submitted by the coordinator before 8 March 2022, 14h CET using the electronic submission platform.
  • Applicants from LMIC countries (for more details see Call text, Annex B: National Rules and Requirements):

Webinar for applicants

A live webinar for applicants was held on the 25th of January 2022 presenting the call and the partner search tool. Representatives from funders participating in the call were available to answer questions.

The webinar was recorded and the videos are now available on the JPIAMR YouTube channel:

Questions and Answers:

Partner Search Tool

A match-making tool has been created for applicants, to facilitate networking and the creation of consortia.

The tool can be consulted for several purposes:

  • Partner looking for project: As individual researcher or a representative of a lab or research team, searching for a project to join.
  • Project looking for partner: If you want to build a consortium around an existing project and want to find partners for your project ideas.

Partner Search Tool for the call Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design

Related material

Videos describing some of the funded projects in this call are now available on the JPIAMR YouTube channel:


Partners working in eligible low and middle income countries can be funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek-Vlaanderen (FWO)
Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)

Czech Republic
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)

Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD)

Estonian Research Council (ETAg)

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)

Ministry of Health (CSO-MOH)

Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB)
Ministero della Salute (It-MoH)

Valsts Izglitibas Attistibas Agentura (VIAA)
Latvijas Zinatnes padome (LZP)

Research Council of Lithuania (RCL)

Agentia Nationala Pentru Cercetare Si Dezvoltare (ANCD)

Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN)
National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)

Agencia Estatal de Investgacion (AEI)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)

Swedish Research Council (SRC)
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

United Kingdom
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Supported projects

Thirteen projects involving 72 partners from 15 different countries have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 14th transnational call: “Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design” The total funding amount is 15,4 M€. Click on the project titles in the list below to learn more on each project.