Network for Enhancing Tricycle ESBL Surveillance Efficiency
Research Network: 2019-04-01 - 2022-04-01
Total sum awarded: €100 000
The extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-Escherichia coli Tricycle surveillance program has been developed by WHO to obtain a global picture of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in humans, animals and the environment in all countries, especially in those with limited surveillance capacities. Basically, Tricycle proposes countries to implement a similar technical protocol to generate yearly rates of ESBL-E.coli in the three sectors of interest. Repetition of harmonised protocol every year should allow determination of trends as well as inter- and intra-regional comparisons and provide a dynamic dashboard of antibacterial resistance for decision makers.Tricycle is currently in its implementation phase in a small number of pilot countries, sponsored by the Fleming Fund (United Kingdom). Other countries are preparing to initiate the process in the coming years with other sources of funding. However, at this stage, no formal system has been developed to assist all countries that will ultimately participate to Tricycle to be linked together for exchange, mutual support and experience sharing. The lack of such system could weaken the efficiency and sustainability of the whole project. Therefore, we take advantage of the 7th JPIAMR call to fulfil this gap by submitting the “Network for Enhancing Tricycle ESBL Surveillance Efficiency” (NETESE) proposal described here. NETESE gathers 15 institutions from nine low and middle income countries at different stages of implementation of Tricycle and three EU countries that have been strongly instrumental in its development. Effective networking will be obtained through the organisation of two face-to-face meetings that will gather all participants, at the beginning and at the end of the project. In between, they will exchange through trimonthly web-conferences on dedicated topics of interest. The outputs of NETESE will be to synergise the experience of the countries that are implementing Tricycle. NETESE will also establish contacts to ensure on its own sustainability in order to become the nest where additional countries that will have the will to enter Tricycle in the coming years will find support and experience, before helping themselves and others with similar difficulties to enter the surveillance program. Altogether NETESE should be a key element to draw a global dynamic picture of AMR.
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- Etienne Ruppé, INSERM, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France (Coordinator)
- Amy Gassama Sow, Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal (Observer)
- Francois-Xavier Mbopi Keou, University of Yaounde, Cameroon (Observer)
- Abdoul-Salam Ouedraogo, Souro Sanou Teaching Hospital, Burkina Faso (Observer)
- Berthe-Noëlle Miwanda, Ministry of Public Health, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Observer)
- Mireille Carmen Dosso, Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast (Observer)
- Ingrid Cécile Djuikoue, Université des Montagnes, Cameroon (Observer)
- Olivier Vandenberg, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (Observer)
- Jan Jacobs, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium (Observer)
- Heike Schmitt, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands (Observer)
- Jaap Wagenaar, Utrecht University, Netherlands (Observer)
- Hazan Bin Hamza, Regulations & Coordination Government of Pakistan, Pakistan (Observer)
- Nelly Puspandari, National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesia (Observer)
- Suraya Amir Husin, Ministry of Health, Malaysia (Observer)
- Luc Hervé Samison, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar (Observer)