Network T&CM alternatives for antibiotics worldwide: Global Initiative for Traditional Solutions to Antimicrobial Resistance (GIFTS-AMR)



Research Network: 2021-01-01 - 2022-12-31
Total sum awarded: €60 000

Objectives: - To develop a global "Traditional Solutions to Antimicrobial Resistance" network - To develop research agendas starting with at least one to three prioritized indications both in human and veterinary healthcare - To prepare grant proposals for research projects and the continuation of the network after the JPIAMR project - To communicate to relevant stakeholders the existence, activities and output (e.g. research agendas, website) of the Network, both online (report on website, webinars) and during an (online) international conferenceActivities: - Plenary and working group meetings: two ‘live’ meetings/ year if possible; otherwise via online video conferences. Telephone or video conference calls. - Survey and interviews to collect information of research institutes (e.g. research fields, projects, infrastructure/ networks, databases, available technologies and resources, research capacities and areas that need strengthening) - Communication through 3-monthly newsletters, website, congress and webinarsExpected results: - A growing globally organized network of Traditional & Complementary Medicine (T&CM) and AMR/ infectious diseases research institutes, researchers in both human and veterinary medicine and global/ regional policy makers - A website with accessible information on T&CM, regarding for example research institutes, research fields, projects, infrastructures/ networks, databases, available technologies and resources - A supported research agenda on priority areas for research in both human and veterinary medicine - Global communication on the contributions of T&CM (research) to AMR and prevention and treatment of infections - Funding and sustainability: the network will facilitate collaboration between institutions with similar interests in order to prepare grant proposals which will enable the research agenda to be implemented, and the network to be sustainable after the end of funding from JPIAMR

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  • Erik W. Baars, University of Applied Sciences Leiden, Netherlands (Coordinator)
  • Henrik Szoke, University of Pécs, Hungary (Observer)
  • B. Prakash, University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, India (Observer)
  • E. Rossi, Coordination Center For Complementary Medicine Of The Health Unit, Tuscany North West, Italy (Observer)
  • P. Roberto di Sarsina, Fondazione per la Salutogenesi ONLUS, Italy (Observer)
  • Martins Emeje, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Nigeria (Observer)
  • Kristin Sørheim, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture, Norway (Observer)
  • Erik W. Baars, University of Applied Sciences Leiden, Netherlands (Observer)
  • M. Guldas, Bursa Uludag University, Turkey (Observer)
  • E. Katuura, Makerere University (MAK), Uganda (Observer)
  • Mark Wilcox, University of Southampton, United Kingdom (Observer)
  • M. Frass, Austrian Umbrella Organization for Medical Holistic Therapy, Austria (Observer)
  • Marion Johnson, Organic Research Centre, United Kingdom (Observer)
  • P. von Flotow, Sustainable Business Institute, Germany (Observer)
  • Peter Panhofer, Sigmund Freud University, Austria (Observer)
  • R. Sanogo, University of Sciences, Techniques and Bamako Technologies, Mali (Observer)
  • M. Fernandez, IAVH, Spain (Observer)
  • Petra Weiermayer, OEGVH, WissHom, Austria (Observer)
  • Desislava Vankova, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria (Observer)
  • J. Liu, Centre for Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China (Observer)
  • David Martin, University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany (Observer)
  • Roman Huber, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany (Observer)
  • E. Oppong Bekoe, University of Ghana, Ghana (Observer)
  • Ton Nicolai, Eurocam, Belgium (Observer)