Welcome to our new website!
The new JPIAMR website has been launched! It has a new design and new structure with the aim to improve user accessibility.
The site’s content is now partly re-structured and we have created clear entries on the start page to the most sought after content. All research calls have their own pages with links to the projects and networks awarded funding within each call. The Projcets section contains a possibility to filter projects by call or by JPIAMR Priority topic. Upcoming JPIAMR events such as workshops and webinars are now clearly visible on the start page, and below this you will find entries to some of our recources such as our AMR KNowledge Hub and our media library.
We hope that you will enjoy our new website. If you are having trouble finding something or wish to give us feedback, please contact us at secretariat.jpiamr@vr.se.