In a publication containing best practice examples on tackling antimicrobial resistance from G7 countries, JPIAMR is being highlighted. The publication presents some of the existing experience in combating antimicrobial resistance other countries might benefit from. At the World Health Assembly in May 2015 Member States of the WHO committed to develop national action plans on AMR within two years. This best practice brochure aims to contribute to the further development and implementation of the respective national action plans on antimicrobial resistance.
The Joint Efforts to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) formulated in the annex of the Leadersʼ Declaration of the G7 Summit in June 2015 summarize the crucial steps to meet this challenge. Among them is the necessity to identify and share best practice examples, providing information on existing programs as well as most successful strategies to prevent avoidable infections and promote the responsible use of antibiotics.
The publication calls for all countries to increase their efforts: They must further develop their concepts and strategies, and expand their measures already in use.