It is with great pleasure that we acknowledge that JPIAMR officially celebrates ten years as an international collaborative platform. From its inception in December 2011 until today, JPIAMR has achieved and exceeded its mission to coordinate national funding of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research, guided by a shared strategic research and innovation agenda. Today 28 countries fund AMR research with a One Health approach, as members of JPIAMR. More than 1 400 researchers in 71 countries have been engaged in research that has been funded by JPIAMR members. In total, 125 million Euros have been allocated to research and networking which has achieved outstanding results and impacts. This highlights the role of JPIAMR as a key initiative helping to understand and curb AMR on a global scale.
JPIAMR is leading the development of the One Health AMR Partnership within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. We look forward to working together with members to seek and support solutions to curb AMR.
“It is impressive to see what JPIAMR members have made possible during these ten years. The results from funded research are astonishing and important, showing that the JPIAMR model works. JPIAMR is well suited to lead the development of the One Health AMR Partnership. We can only imagine what will be achieved in the ten years to come. I am joining all of the members and the AMR research community in wishing JPIAMR a Happy Birthday!” – Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, JPIAMR Chair
See highlights from JPIAMR’s ten year history in the folder “JPIAMR Ten years of achievements” (pdf 0,5 MB)