The 10 Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIS) has presented the last GPC meeting a Joint Statement of the 10 JPIs Chairs. The Statement follows the Lund Statement of the JPIs last December and aims to react to the recent Evaluation Report regarding the progress of the different JPIs.
The statement highlights:
• JPIs as one of the most important initiatives at European level addressing societal challenges. This requires also dialogue with the policy sectors concerned other than research itself, and is the justification for the next two points.
• In order to address societal challenges effectively, there is a need to bridge the gap between JPIs and national programming, and in this sense interpreting JPIs as a process of alignment taking a multilevel approach, meaning using a variety of instruments other than just funding. This assumes implicitly that funding decisions are only a final point in a process of decision making that should incorporate and increase consistency between JPIs and national programmes. Opening of national programmes to European dynamics to bridge the gap.
• JPIs should be taken as relevant actors in all European research initiatives, therefore should collaborate with ESFIC, GPC, ERAC, and participate in the discussions around the next framework programme.
You can find the full Statement here