When the G20 Health Ministers recently met in Germany, AMR was at the very top of their agenda. Germany who holds the G20 presidency described it as an” important breakthrough”, that all nations agreed to address the growing antibiotic resistance in the world.
In the declaration from the meeting, the G20 Health Ministers pointed out JPIAMR as one of the key initiatives to support, by concluding “we commit to broaden the voluntary financial support for these initiatives. We call on other countries, philanthropic organizations, academia and the private sector to support these initiatives”.
JPIAMR support new evidence and innovations that reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance through coordinated global collaborative research in Europe and around the world. Also aiming to undertake further research to better understand how resistance develops and spreads in the environment. And to develop diagnostic tools and better surveillance methods as well as validating smarter strategies for using antibiotics in healthcare and agriculture. Today 24 countries have joined JPIAMR as members. The collaborative platform is now internationally recognized.
Please follow this link to read the whole statement from the G20 Health Minister meeting in Germany on May 19, 2017. https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/fileadmin/Dateien/3_Downloads/G/G20-Gesundheitsministertreffen/G20_Health_Ministers_Declaration_engl.pdf