The overarching goal of JPIAMR research on Surveillance is to standardise, improve and extend surveillance systems on antibiotic use and on AMR in humans, animals, food, and the larger environment. Surveillance is a pre-requisite for assessing the success of AMR stewardship measures, infection prevention and control, and the effectiveness of new therapeutic and diagnostic options.

In this network call JPIAMR will support networks of leading experts with the aim to enhance resource alignment and maximize existing and future efforts to combat AMR by pushing forward the conceptualisation of new ideas with the field of AMR Surveillance.
Up to 21 networks will be funded with up to 50 000 € each under this call. Note that the JPIAMR network calls do not fund research projects.
Scope of the call
Surveillance networks are essential to monitor the threat of AMR and guide public health policy. In order to understand antibiotic resistance, we must understand whether resistance genes are highly mobile and whether dominant pathogenic clones spread resistance globally. However, countries have different levels and methods of surveillance and many lack national reporting systems leading to major gaps in AMR surveillance and an urgent need to strengthen collaboration on global AMR surveillance.
The WHO GLASS Initiative is the first global collaborative effort to standardise AMR surveillance. GLASS is now working towards the integration of other surveillance initiatives on antimicrobial consumption and AMR in the food chain but surveillance activities that include data collection on the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among healthy individuals and animals are also needed.
Applicants are invited to form JPIAMR networks that are expected to provide white papers, prospective views, guidelines and/or best practice/roadmap/systematic reviews and frameworks to identify key questions to be addressed or identify potential solutions to overcome barriers for AMR surveillance and the implementation of surveillance research studies.
JPIAMR networks may tackle one or more of the suggested focal areas below. However, these examples are neither mandatory nor limiting. Networks should address needs at a National and International level and encourage to include Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) aspects.
- Impact of surveillance on prevention, intervention, clinical practice, infection control, treatment and patient management.
- Surveillance of AMR in the healthy population: Risk factors; risk groups (e.g. migrants, travelers), reservoirs, and monitoring systems.
- Surveillance of non-human AMR reservoirs: Strategies, models, and technologies for tracing AMR in food, animals and the environment.
- Improvement and standardisation of methods.
- Quality assurance, curation and sharing data.
- Surveillance technology and tools: Optimization of methods for outbreaks, rapidly emerging clones, resource-poor settings and global coverage.
- Social networks, big data and deep learning for AMR surveillance and prevention.
Not within the Scope of the call
Networks are not expected to duplicate or create new open access systems (e.g. ECDC atlas, GLASS, European Health Information Gateway of WHO/Europe). It is important that the networks within the call are well-informed about ongoing activities in EC/ECDC, WHO, FAO, OIE. Research projects are not supported.
Information & application
This call is closed.
Related material
A startup workshop for all funded networks from the two transnational network calls launched by JPIAMR in 2018, JPIAMR Network Call on Surveillance and JPIAMR-VRI Network Call 2018, was organised in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in February 2019. The workshop report can be found here: Startup workshop report 2018 JPIAMR Transnational Networks.
Filmed interviews with some of the coordinators of the funded JPIAMR Networks can be found here: Discover the JPIAMR surveillance networks: Interviews with network coordinators February 2019
The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
French National Research Agency (ANR)
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Health Research Board (HRB)
Italian Ministry of Health
The Netherlands
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Swedish Research Council (SRC)
United Kingdom
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Supported projects
Ten networks were awarded funding within the JPIAMR 7th transnational call: “2018 Network Call on Surveillance”. Each funded network received €50,000 to enhance resource alignment and efforts in the field of AMR surveillance. Click on the network titles in the list below to learn more on each network.