
Poland is represented in JPIAMR by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The research in the area of AMR is principally funded by two agencies, National Science Centre (NCN) and National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) by response-mode grants. Alert resistance in bacteria is constantly monitored for the whole country through an activity of the National Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance and the National Reference Centre for Bacterial Meningitis, located at the National Medicines Institute in Warsaw.

National AMR research program and activities

National AMR research calls

  • JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call on Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, DISTOMOS 2023 (evaluation in progress)
  • JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call on Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design, DRUID 2022 (1 consortium coordinated by a Polish researcher to start in June 2023).
  • JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call on One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of AMR, HARISSA 2021 (4 research projects started in 2022)

Activities on AMR actions at national level


Capacity building activities and projects

  • Infectious Diseases Spring School 2023 – including AMR-dedicated sessions, https://fundacjacmk.pl/wsmk2023/
  • “Antibiotics and antimicrobial drug stewardship” post-graduate programme, Warsaw Medical University and Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 4th edition starting in October 2023
  • Post-graduate studies on infection control
  • BINWIT project digitalization of unique scientific resources of the Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences and creation of BINWIT platform to allow digital access to information about bacteriophages, their nucleotide sequencing and the information about stem cells biology.
  • MedBiz Innovations mentoring programme – innovative student hub supported by: the National Medicines Institute, Perlan Technologies, ADAMED Group, Geneme, Amazon Web Services, ALAB laboratories, Invento Capital.

National action plans

  • National Health Programme 2021-2025 (machine-translated English version). Objective 4 Ensuring environmental health and preventing communicable diseases. Poland has integrated the AMR action plan into the national health programme, including environmental health, infectious diseases and national drugs strategy. Educational and capacity-building efforts are also a part of the programme.

Management Board representative

  • Tadeusz Bednarczyk, Ministry of Education and Science