Estonia is represented in JPIAMR by the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs and the Estonian Research Council.
AMR related research in Estonia has so far been mostly funded through the Estonian Research Council grants and the national research and development programmes. In the ongoing strategic research funding period (2014-2020) the national research programmes are currently in the process of being compiled and implemented in cooperation between the Estonian Research Council and the ministries responsible for the specific field of research (e.g. JPIAMR topics are relevant to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of the Environment).
National AMR research program and activities
AMR Research program
- Currently no special programme running
National AMR research calls
- Estonian Research Agency launched call ’’Options for controlling and reducing antimicrobial resistance“ (main aim: to develop scientifically founded recommendations, based on One Health principle, on AMR policy development and controlling the spread of AMR); 2019
Activities on AMR actions at national level
- National AMR committee was compiled and the work has started
- Through nationally funded AMR projects, a website for AMR has been developed:
- Conference “Food Safety and Nutrition – future challenges and opportunities” (Riigikogu Conference Center), June 8, 2018
- Lecture Antibiotics in human medicine in Milk foorum “How to increase the value in dairy sector?“, October 3, 2018
- Lecture Antibiotics, human and animal in Meat foorum, November 6, Estonia 2018
- National award for article series Antibiotics and drug resistance, 2018
- National science award for topic “The mechanisms of action of antibiotics their resistance“, 2018
National action plans
Content to be provided
Management Board representative
- Mari Teesalu, Ministry of Social Affairs Estonia