
Denmark is represented in JPIAMR by Innovation Fund Denmark.

The aim of Innovation Fund Denmark is to ensure Denmark’s position as a global frontrunner in facing the societal challenges within welfare, wealth and science in the short and long term.

Since the investments in research and product development within the antimicrobial field are decreasing and the amount of resistance to antibiotics on the other hand is increasing, the council has decided to participate in the management of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance. Innovation Fund Denmark believes that a combined effort of several countries is needed in order to solve the current medical needs and prevent future development of resistance.

Innovation Fund Denmark is represented in the JPIAMR management board and in the scientific advisory board.

Innovation Fund Denmark is an active contributor to several other JPI´s. You can read more about the Innovation Fund Denmark’s participation in other JPI´s here .

National AMR research program and activities

AMR Research program

  • No dedicated research AMR research programme in 2018-2019 in Denmark

National AMR research calls

  • No dedicated AMR research and innovation research call in 2018-2019 in Denmark. Individual AMR projects may be sought through general competitive calls of The Danish National Research Foundation and Innovation Fund Denmark.

Activities on AMR actions at national level

  • Establishment of ICARS (International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions): an interdepartmental initiative with focus on LMIC as global knowledge node for evidence on AMR and solutions for its elimination
  • Sought support from FAO, WHO, OIE
  • Coordination sought with the JPIAMR
  • All microbiological findings in DK hospitals are now entered into a national database “MiBa”. Antibiotic consumption in humans monitored at individual patient level in general practice, and in the Danish hospital system down to the hospital and bed ward levels
  • A monitoring system for hospital infections established, HAIBA, to estimate standardized frequency rates of nosocomial infections

National action plans

  • DANMAP has since 1996 published an annual report on AMR in zoonotic, indicator, and pathogenic bacteria from animals, food, and humans in DK, see

Management Board representative

  • Katrine Boeriis, Innovation Fund Denmark