
Argentina is represented in JPIAMR by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT) through the Liaison Office Argentina – European Union on Science and Technology, and with the close collaboration of the Ministry of health and the National Service of Animal Health (SENASA)

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT) established policies and coordinates actions aiming to strengthen the country’s capacity to respond to priority sectorial and social problems in order to improve society’s quality of life. The scientific and technological policy developed by the National Directorate of International Relations of MINCyT in the multilateral, bilateral and other specific fields allow scientific research promotion and productive innovation between Argentinean and foreign research groups through a broad range of joint R+D projects initiatives, workshops, seminars, trainings, and human resources development grants. Thanks to the EU- Argentina agreement, the country participated in several technological cooperation projects, having one of the highest success rate than the average of Third Countries. The Ministry of Science Technology, and Productive Innovation has been participates or has participated in the following projects of the Seventh Framework Programme: STAR-IDAZ (2011-2015), BIO-CIRCLE 2 (2011-2013),ALCUE-KBBE (2011-2013), BIO-CIRCLE (2008-2010) , EULAC Health (2011-2016), LEADERSHIP (2013-2015),IDEAL-IST 2014 (2011-2014), AMERICAS (2011-2013), PRO-IDEAL PLUS (2010-2012) FIRST (2010-2012), PRO-IDEAL (2008-2011), IDEAL-IST 2011 (2008-2011)NMP-DeLA (2013-2015), ENSOCIO-LA (2013-2015), the ABEST Project in its three phases (from 2005 up to date), ALCUE NET (2012-2017), EULARINET (2008-2012) INCONTACT (2008-2013), PeopleNetwork+ (2011-2013), ERANet- LAC (2013-), CoopAIR-LA (2009-2010), and other FP6 projects.

National AMR research program and activities

AMR Research program

  • Preparation of an AMR strategic plan, and development of monitoring indicators and CONACRA operating charter
  • Preparation of draft AMR indicators for the SustainableDevelopment Goals.
  • Consolidation and drafting of AMR reports in Argentina at the request of the WHO.
  • Enlistment of the senior officials and technical staff of the Secretariat of Government for Environment and Sustainable Development to join in the work conducted by the CoNaCRA. Outcome: institutional commitment and integration into working group and research projects.
  • Together with the Ministry of Education carried out work about the inclusion of AMR-associated themes in the Prioritized Learning Cores (NAPs)

Activities on AMR actions at national level

  • Participation in climate change meetings for drawing up a new country profile including AMR themes.
  • Participation in VCs with PAHO regarding the working initiative of the antimicrobial project for the region
  • Participation in the three international meetings on AMR during the G20 summit which resulted in the signature of the Declaration of Health Ministers

Inter-Sectoral Coordination Activities

  • Coordination and development of the technical visit of the IACG, which includes the FAO, OIE and WHO.
  • Participation in the workshop under the “Memorandum of Understanding on the AMR research and innovation collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the UK Department of Health and Social Care” with the aim of establishing AMR research and innovation proposals.
  • Development of three work meetings with the CoNaCRA.
  • Organization of a launching event for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, under the One Health approach, with the involvement of international organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO) and the national portfolios of health, agroindustry and environment.
  • Presentation on the impact and importance for human health of the use of colistin in agri-food production in the context of Joint Decision No. 834/2015 and 391/2015 for a draft decision prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, import, use and possession of veterinarian products containing colistin and colistin salts as principal ingredient throughout the Argentine territory.

Communication and Training Products prepared

  • Updated dissemination materials about the AMR control strategy for the National Day of Appropriate Antimicrobial Use to be used in social media on 21 and 22 June and materials for the World Hand Wash Day for dissemination in the social media of the Secretariat of Government for Health.
  • Technical advice for preparing a simulation exercise for the G20 Summit of Health Ministers.
  • Preparation of technical content for handouts about the AMR situation in Argentina.
  • Preparation of a model script for conducting a workshop in educational institutions training health professionals.

National AMR action plans

The widespread use of antimicrobial drugs has brought about the emergence of resistance, one of the mechanisms that microorganisms have to fend off a hostile or unfavourable environment, and many medical procedures rely on the effectiveness of antibiotics and these procedures become increasingly risky with the increase in antimicrobial resistance.

For these reasons, the Ministry of Health launched the National Strategy for the Control of Antimicrobial Resistance in order to “ensure a responsible use” of essential antibiotic drugs for human and animal health, which widespread use and reckless prescription in some cases, has caused a rapid development of the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance that escalated into a global problem.

Read more and download the Argentinian Strategy for the control of antimicrobial resistance (Spanish)

Management board representatives

  • Diego Alejandro Galeano, The Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT)