Science Europe calls for joint programming to focus on impact

Aug 26th, 2015

Science Europe has published a position statement on the role and future of joint programming where they recommend that greater focus on impact should be the future of joint programming. JPIAMR welcome this approach where the emphasis is on impact, developing critical mass and contributing to advancing specific fields of knowledge by aligning resources and research agendas rather than only aligning research funding through for example joint funding and joint calls.

The organisation outlines that the rationale driving policy decisions related to JPIs should be based on real scientific impacts such as:

  • Linking up of the whole research and innovation eco-system around a topic.
  • Devising Strategic Research Agendas to enable the identification of areas where an actual added value for alignment exists.
  • Act as focal points – both nationally and internationally – for policy, initiatives or stakeholders that otherwise may not have a ‘counterpart’ on the topic to allow topical communities to speak with one voice, and more generally raise the profile of their area.
  • Foster alignment of data definition, collection, handling and storage, facilitating their sharing to push the knowledge frontier.
  • Facilitate the sharing of research facilities and resources, by making formal arrangements or by alerting researchers to relevant existing resources in other countries.
  • Influence the European policy agenda, by organising and structuring ERANETs or by having an impact on the Horizon 2020 research agenda.
  • Develop global networks of top European teams.

JPIAMR is committed to achieving greater impact through international coordination and exchange around AMR.

Download the report here